I’ll Bring Him Back to You

Published by reallynotsoboringbible on

Who was Reuben talking about when he said to his father, “Kill my two sons if I do not bring him back to you. Put him in my hands, and I will bring him back to you.”?

A. Judah
B. Goliath
C. Benjamin
D. Frank Shirley

And Jacob their father said to them, “You have bereaved me of my children: Joseph is no more, and Simeon is no more, and now you would take Benjamin. All this has come against me.” Then Reuben said to his father, “Kill my two sons if I do not bring him back to you. Put him in my hands, and I will bring him back to you.”” Genesis 42:36-37 (ESV)
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Categories: DeathMurder
